Hi, I’m Carl Raschke, Professor of Philosophy of Religion at the University of Denver, and I’m inviting you to join our online cohort and complete your MA degree in Religious Studies fully online.
Yes, that’s fully online, but in real time with real professors using the latest Zoom technologies. The program is available for those interested in pursuing the critical theory concentration. Critical theory combines a range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities with the study of religion. Along with exploring religion and philosophy through the lens of the classical (sometimes known as the Frankfurt School) paradigm of critical theory, this area of specialization focuses on such topics as globalization, social, political, and economic issues associated with religion, and questions of race, class, gender, ethnicity, etc.
As a student in the program, you will attend two online synchronous classes (over Zoom) each quarter that meet the core requirements for the degree as well as those that offered for the critical theory specialization. The two-year pilot program is an integral portion of our regular MA degree program, which is both well-known and highly regarded. In the synchronous online component you will share classes with members of our regular cohort as well. Should you at some point decide you want to complete the degree by moving to Denver and taking classes in-person, you may do so with no disruption at all in the continuity of the degree.
Courses for 2021-22 are:
Fall 2021: Islam, Kant on Religion
Winter 2022: Modern Hinduism, Christianity
Spring 2022: Globalization & Religion, Black Liberation Theologies
At the same time, the online pilot gives you access to a distinctive set of other online resources, including regular webinars with international scholars in such far-flung locations as Europe and South America. And all of this will be available from the privacy and convenience of your own home.
Applications to join the cohort for 2021-22 are due August 16, 2021. Apply today!. Or contact: olesia.stockhold@du.edu