Carl Raschke is Professor of Philosophy of Religion at the University of Denver and Director of its MA program. He is past chair of the department. He specializes in Continental philosophy, political theology, the philosophy of religion, art theory, globalization theory, and the theory of religion. He was chosen University Lecturer for 2020-21.
He is an internationally known writer and academic, who has authored numerous books and hundreds of articles on topics ranging from postmodernism to popular religion and culture to technology and society. Recent books include Neoliberalism and Political Theology: From Kant to Identity Politics (Edinburgh University Press, 2019), Postmodern Theology: A Biopic (Cascade Books, 2017), Critical Theology: An Agenda for an Age of Global Crisis (IVP Academic, 2016), Force of God: Political Theology and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy (Columbia University Press, 2015) and Postmodernism and the Revolution in Religious Theory: Toward a Semiotics of the Event (University of Virginia Press, 2012).
He is Senior Editor for The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory and Senior Consulting Editor for The New Polis. He is also a director and officer for The Whitestone Foundation. From 2016-2018 he served as managing editor for Political Theology Today (currently Political Theology Network).
He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Vienna as well as Rice University and regular adjunct at the Seattle School for Theology and Psychology. In addition, he currently serves as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society at the University of Vienna.

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